
Eco-Warriors 2023 - 2024
Class 1D
Class 1T
Class 2A
Class 2C
Class 3A
Beau & Joshua
Class 3W
Theo & Zach
Class 4MS
Bruhat & Ellis-Ivy
Class 4S
Ella-Rose & Albert
Class 5B
Molly & Eva
Class 5W
Zachary & Letty

An Eco-Warrior is an individual who cares about our environment and the diversity of life forms that share it. Being an Eco-Warrior is to simply care for our environment in our daily activities and decision making.

Our team of school Eco-Warriors will be working with Ms Blow to help our school to look after the environment.

Look for updates on this page!


Planning the year ahead - October 2023
Our first meeting of the year gave us the opportunity to plan activities for the year ahead.
Uniform donations - October 2022
Delighted to see our old blue uniform and book bags have safely reached a school in Kamawornie, Sierra Leone. Thank you to Develop Africa for delivering our donations. 
Uniform donations - May 2022
We're delighted to receive these photos from Develop Africa as our donations of uniform & book bags arrive in Freetown. Looking forward to sharing photos of the distribution soon! Thank you for your donations.
Donation from Moy Park - July 2021
The Eco-Warriors were delighted to receive a donation of almost £2000 from Moy Park to help develop our Sensory Garden. Thank you!