Hello 1D and 1R!
We are all so excited to welcome and get to know our new Year 1 classes! The Year 1 team is primarily made up of Mrs Dowling (1D teacher), Miss Rastall (1R teacher) and Mrs Southwood (our wonderful teaching assistant).
Our topic for Term 2 is 'Where have all the leaves gone?'. Please see our termly newsletter for more information about the learning we will explore as part of these topics. We will be writing a firework poem and writing persuasive leaflets.
We will update you as much as possible on Dojo so that you can see what the children are up to in lessons. Tapestry is not used in Year 1.
Our PE lessons this term will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays. The children should come to school in their PE kit on these days.
In Maths will be working with numbers to 10 and applying our skills in a range of reasoning and problem solving contexts. We will also be learning about measure, length and capacity. As part of the children's homework, it is expected that they will complete Numbots activities for 10 minutes a day, 4 times a week. Spending this small amount of time on the app, will have a positive impact on the children's ability to recall key facts quickly and support their learning in the classroom. Numbots logins are on the front page of the children's reading logs.
Reading is at the foundation of our school’s ethos and is celebrated and encouraged across the school day. Children will take part in guided reading sessions daily, during their Read, Write, Inc phonics session. During this time, they can read books that match the phonics level, and develop skills in segmenting and blending in small groups. There will also be a number of opportunities in the day where children hear and discuss stories together as a class. We will explore ‘Our Favourite Five’ stories, in much more depth, developing skills in fluency, expression as well as key reading comprehension skills.
Reading with your child at home is really important for developing their confidence and love of reading. Your child is expected to read their school reading book daily. This book is a practice book, in order for children to confidently read and practise skills taught in schools. These books should not be challenging; they need to develop confidence and fluency. You can also find other stories, poems and comics that they are excited about and share them together at bedtime. If your child reads four times a week, and this is recorded in their reading diaries, their name will be entered into a raffle. At the end of each half term, a name will be selected from the hat and these children will win a coin to put into our very shiny vending machine! They can then win a new book, of their choice, to take home and keep.
If you have any concerns or worries about your child, please email the school office, who will pass messages on to us, or catch us at the end of the day.
Thank you!
Mrs Dowling & Miss Rastall