All of our policies are approved by the local governing body and are reviewed regularly. In order to access them double click on the policy that you require. Poplar Farm School is part of the Community Inclusive Trust (CIT) as such policies which govern schools within the partnership can be found by following this link:
The statutory polices which can be found on the C.I.T. website are:
Capability of staff | Charging and Remissions |
Data protection | Complaints procedure statement |
Equality information and objectives | Staff discipline, conduct and grievance |
Allegations of abuse against staff | Teacher appraisal |
Freedom of information | Protection of Biometric Data |
Suspensions | Governor Allowances |
Uniform | Teachers' Pay |
We use Ellis Whittam (Health and Safety advisor across the trust) for these policies which are available on the CIT website:
Health and Safety Policy | Health and Safety Manual | Educational Visits |
You can request a paper copy of any policy, however there may be a charge for this service.
The following proposed policies are approved at Local Governance Level: