
Science Vision

At Poplar Farm School we believe that science inspires children, encouraging them to be inquisitive about the world, nurtures their curiosity, and enables them to develop a range of skills that are useful across their learning. Our pupils will be equipped to make informed decisions about new technologies, their health and the scientific opportunities around them.

Our science curriculum offers a broad range of experiences designed to provide pupils with a progression of scientific understanding, skills and knowledge. Importance is placed on first hand experiences with an expectation that teachers will access the wide range of resources available as well as regular use of outdoor spaces across the school grounds and local area.

What makes for good teaching and learning in science?

Children who

  • Ask questions
  • Explore
  • Plan and lead their own investigations
  • Use a range of equipment
  • Present findings in different ways
  • Use science vocabulary
  • Have opportunities to work outdoors

Teachers who

  • Guide and challenge children's ideas 
  • Challenge and question to deepen understanding
  • Enable and prompt
  • Use modelling to help children understand a process
  • Facilitate an environment where mistakes are welcomed
  • Have good subject knowledge
  • Allow time to complete investigations
  • Involve the wider community in children’s learning (e.g. parents, governors)
British Science Week March 2021
We had a great time exploring science throughout the week, and took part in a range of different activities.